A Short Note – Is The Awesome Layers of Apple iOS Architecture Important ?

Hello Readers, CoolMonkTechie heartily welcomes you in A Short Note Series (Is The Awesome Layers of Apple iOS Architecture Important ?).

In this note series, we’ll learn about Apple iOS Architecture layers. The iOS is the operating system created by Apple Inc. for mobile devices. The iOS is used in many of the mobile devices for apple such as iPhone, iPod, iPad, etc.

So Let’s begin.


Is The Awesome Layers of Apple iOS Architecture Important? For Which purpose should we understand the Apple iOS Architecture Layers ?

Yes, It is important to understand the different layers of Apple iOS Architecture, because The Apple iOS Architecture is layered. It contains an intermediate layer between the applications and the hardware so they do not communicate directly. The lower layers in iOS provide the basic services, and the higher layers provide the user interface and sophisticated graphics.

The layered architecture of iOS is given:

Layers in Apple iOS Architecture

iOS is a layered architecture comprising 4 different layers:

1. Core OS

The Core OS layer holds the low-level features that most other technologies are built upon. It also interacts directly with the hardware. Most of the functionality provided by the three higher level layers are built upon the Core OS layer and its low-level features. The Core OS layer provides a handful of frameworks that your application can use directly, such as the Accelerate and the Security frameworks. These technologies include Core Bluetooth Framework, External Accessory Framework, Accelerate Framework, Security Service Framework, Local Authorisation Framework, etc.

2. Core Service Layer

This layer provides features such as block objects, Grand Central Dispatch, In-App Purchase, and iCloud Storage. Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) was introduced in this layer, which takes care of all the Memory Management. Core Services layer is also closely tied to the C-based Core Foundation-framework or Core Foundation.

3. Media Layer

A useful layer that provides multimedia services which you can use within your iPhone, and other iOS devices. The Media layer comprises Graphics, Audio, and video. This layer comprises Assets Library, Core Text, Core Graphics, OpenGL ES and OpenAL, AV Foundation and Core Media. This layer is responsible for any kinds of drawing, rendering 2D and 3D data, buffering video, Text layout, etc.

4. Cocoa Touch Layer

It is the topmost layer in the iOS architecture. This layer provides the abstraction of IOS, it is written in Objective–C. It is important, and it contains some key frameworks which are used by native applications. The UIKit framework is the most widely used. Foundation Kit Framework, MapKit, PushKit, EventKit are some other useful frameworks. It defines the basic application management and infrastructure, multitasking support, user interface management, multi-touch support, motion event, etc.


In this note series, we understood the different layers of Apple iOS architecture which is used in many of the apple mobile devices.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed and learned about Apple iOS architecture Concepts. Reading is one thing, but the only way to master it is to do it yourself.

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