Android – Is Awesome Design Patterns Valuable In Kotlin?

Hello Readers, CoolMonkTechie heartily welcomes you in this article (Is Awesome Design Patterns Valuable In Kotlin?).

In this article, we will learn about why design patterns are valuable and frequently used in Kotlin. When we are new in programming languages, we don’t know which design patterns we should use with it and how to implement them. Design Patterns determine certain factors to differentiate between a good code and a bad code in Kotlin. This may be the code structure or the comments used or the variable names or something else. Being able to use a relevant design pattern is a prerequisite to creating functional, high-quality, and secure applications in Android with use of Kotlin. 

So every developer should follow Design Patterns while writing the Kotlin code of an Android application.

A famous quote about learning is :

” One learns from books and example only that certain things can be done. Actual learning requires that you do those things. “

So Let’s begin.

Design Patterns: What they are and why know them ?

A software design pattern is a solution to a particular problem we might face when designing an app’s architecture. But unlike out-of-the-box services or open-source libraries, we can’t paste a design pattern into our application because it isn’t a piece of code. Rather, it’s a general concept for how to solve a problem. A design pattern is a template that tells us how to write code, but it’s up to us to fit our code to this template.

Design patterns bring several benefits:

  • Tested solutions. We don’t need to waste time and reinvent the wheel trying to solve a particular software development problem, as design patterns already provide the best solution and tell us how to implement it.
  • Code unification. Design patterns provide us with typical solutions that have tested for drawbacks and bugs, helping us make fewer mistakes when designing our app architecture.
  • Common vocabulary. Instead of providing in-depth explanations of how to solve this or that software development problem, we can say what design pattern we used and other developers will immediately understand what solutions we implemented.

Design Patterns: What is it ?

A Design Pattern is a general, reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem within a given context.

So, Design Patterns are a pattern solution that follows to solve a particular feature. These are the best practices that any programmer can use to build an application.

We use Design Patterns that makes our code easier to understand and more reusable in Android.

Design Patterns: Patterns Types In Kotlin

Before we describe the most common architecture patterns in Android Kotlin, we should first learn the three types of software design patterns and how they differ:

  • Creational Design Patterns
  • Structural Design Patterns
  • Behavioral Design Patterns

1. Creational Design Patterns

Creational software design patterns deal with object creation mechanisms, which increase flexibility and reuse of existing code. They try to instantiate objects in a manner suitable for the particular situation. 

This Pattern is used to create some object without showing the logic or the steps that involves in creating the object. So, every time we want an object, we need not instantiate the object by using the new operator. So, this makes creating an object easier and can be easily created again and again.

Here are several creational design patterns:

  • Builder Pattern
  • Singleton Pattern
  • Factory Method Pattern
  • Abstract Factory

2. Structural Design Patterns

Structural design patterns aim to simplify the design by finding a simple way of realizing relationships between classes and objects. These patterns explain how to assemble objects and classes into larger structures while keeping these structures flexible and efficient.

In this Design Pattern, we concern about the structure of the code. Here, we follow some particular structural pattern that will help in understanding the code and the working of code just by looking at the structure of the code. These are some structural architecture patterns:

  • Adapter Pattern
  • Facade Pattern
  • Decorator Pattern
  • Composite Pattern
  • Protection Proxy Pattern

3. Behavioral Design Patterns

Behaviour design patterns identify common communication patterns between entities and implement these patterns. This Patterns mainly tells how the objects of the classes will communicate with each other. These patterns help us in understanding the code in a better way because by viewing the code we can identify the pattern and then we can understand the code in a better way.

  • Observer / Listener Pattern
  • Command Pattern
  • Strategy Pattern
  • State Pattern
  • Chain of Responsibility Pattern
  • Visitor Pattern
  • Mediator Pattern
  • Memento Pattern

Most Frequently Used Design Patterns In Kotlin

We’re going to provide only the essential information about each software design pattern–namely, how it works from the technical point of view and when it should be applied. We’ll also give an illustrative example in the Kotlin programming language.

1. Creational: Builder Pattern

The builder pattern is used to create complex objects with constituent parts that must be created in the same order or using a specific algorithm. An external class controls the construction algorithm.


For example, Let’s assume that external library provides Dialog class, and we have only accessed to Dialog Public interface, which can not be changed.

class Dialog {

    fun showTitle() = println("showing title")

    fun setTitle(text: String) = println("setting title text $text")

    fun setTitleColor(color: String) = println("setting title color $color")

    fun showMessage() = println("showing message")

    fun setMessage(text: String) = println("setting message $text")

    fun setMessageColor(color: String) = println("setting message color $color")

    fun showImage(bitmapBytes: ByteArray) = println("showing image with size ${bitmapBytes.size}")

    fun show() = println("showing dialog $this")

class DialogBuilder() {
    constructor(init: DialogBuilder.() -> Unit) : this() {

    private var titleHolder: TextView? = null
    private var messageHolder: TextView? = null
    private var imageHolder: File? = null

    fun title(init: TextView.() -> Unit) {
        titleHolder = TextView().apply { init() }

    fun message(init: TextView.() -> Unit) {
        messageHolder = TextView().apply { init() }

    fun image(init: () -> File) {
        imageHolder = init()

    fun build(): Dialog {
        val dialog = Dialog()

        titleHolder?.apply {

        messageHolder?.apply {

        imageHolder?.apply {

        return dialog

    class TextView {
        var text: String = ""
        var color: String = "#00000"


//Function that creates dialog builder and builds Dialog
fun dialog(init: DialogBuilder.() -> Unit): Dialog {
    return DialogBuilder(init).build()

val dialog: Dialog = dialog {
	title {
    	text = "Dialog Title"
    message {
        text = "Dialog Message"
        color = "#333333"
    image {
        File.createTempFile("image", "jpg")


setting title text Dialog Title
setting title color #00000
showing title
setting message Dialog Message
setting message color #333333
showing message
showing image with size 0
showing dialog Dialog@5f184fc6

AlertDialog Example

One of the common examples of Builder pattern that we all use in our daily life is that of AlertDialog. In AleartDialog, we call only the required methods like:

    .setTitle("This is a title")
    .setMessage("This is some message")

2. Creational: Singleton Pattern

The singleton pattern ensures that only one object of a particular class is ever created. All further references to objects of the singleton class refer to the same underlying instance. There are very few applications, do not overuse this pattern!


object PrinterDriver {
    init {
        println("Initializing with object: $this")

    fun print() = println("Printing with object: $this")




Initializing with object: PrinterDriver@6ff3c5b5
Printing with object: PrinterDriver@6ff3c5b5
Printing with object: PrinterDriver@6ff3c5b5

3. Creational: Factory Method Pattern

The factory pattern is used to replace class constructors, abstracting the process of object generation so that the type of the object instantiated can be determined at run-time.


sealed class Country {
    object USA : Country()

object Spain : Country() 
class Greece(val someProperty: String) : Country()
data class Canada(val someProperty: String) : Country() 

class Currency(
    val code: String

object CurrencyFactory {

    fun currencyForCountry(country: Country): Currency =
        when (country) {
            is Greece -> Currency("EUR")
            is Spain -> Currency("EUR")
            is Country.USA -> Currency("USD")
            is Canada -> Currency("CAD")


val greeceCurrency = CurrencyFactory.currencyForCountry(Greece("")).code
println("Greece currency: $greeceCurrency")

val usaCurrency = CurrencyFactory.currencyForCountry(Country.USA).code
println("USA currency: $usaCurrency")



Greece currency: EUR
US currency: USD

4. Creational: Abstract Factory Pattern

The abstract factory pattern is used to provide a client with a set of related or dependant objects. The “family” of objects created by the factory are determined at run-time.


interface Plant

class OrangePlant : Plant

class ApplePlant : Plant

abstract class PlantFactory {
    abstract fun makePlant(): Plant

    companion object {
        inline fun <reified T : Plant> createFactory(): PlantFactory = when (T::class) {
            OrangePlant::class -> OrangeFactory()
            ApplePlant::class  -> AppleFactory()
            else               -> throw IllegalArgumentException()

class AppleFactory : PlantFactory() {
    override fun makePlant(): Plant = ApplePlant()

class OrangeFactory : PlantFactory() {
    override fun makePlant(): Plant = OrangePlant()


val plantFactory = PlantFactory.createFactory<OrangePlant>()
val plant = plantFactory.makePlant()
println("Created plant: $plant")


Created plant: OrangePlant@4f023edb

5. Structural: Adapter Pattern

The adapter pattern is used to provide a link between two otherwise incompatible types by wrapping the “adaptee” with a class that supports the interface required by the client.


interface Temperature {
    var temperature: Double

class CelsiusTemperature(override var temperature: Double) : Temperature

class FahrenheitTemperature(var celsiusTemperature: CelsiusTemperature) : Temperature {

    override var temperature: Double
        get() = convertCelsiusToFahrenheit(celsiusTemperature.temperature)
        set(temperatureInF) {
            celsiusTemperature.temperature = convertFahrenheitToCelsius(temperatureInF)

    private fun convertFahrenheitToCelsius(f: Double): Double = (f - 32) * 5 / 9

    private fun convertCelsiusToFahrenheit(c: Double): Double = (c * 9 / 5) + 32


val celsiusTemperature = CelsiusTemperature(0.0)
val fahrenheitTemperature = FahrenheitTemperature(celsiusTemperature)

celsiusTemperature.temperature = 36.6
println("${celsiusTemperature.temperature} C -> ${fahrenheitTemperature.temperature} F")

fahrenheitTemperature.temperature = 100.0
println("${fahrenheitTemperature.temperature} F -> ${celsiusTemperature.temperature} C")


36.6 C -> 97.88000000000001 F
100.0 F -> 37.77777777777778 C

6. Structural: Facade Pattern

The facade pattern is used to define a simplified interface to a more complex subsystem.


class ComplexSystemStore(val filePath: String) {

    init {
        println("Reading data from file: $filePath")

    val store = HashMap<String, String>()

    fun store(key: String, payload: String) {
        store.put(key, payload)

    fun read(key: String): String = store[key] ?: ""

    fun commit() = println("Storing cached data: $store to file: $filePath")

data class User(val login: String)

class UserRepository {
    val systemPreferences = ComplexSystemStore("/data/default.prefs")

    fun save(user: User) {"USER_KEY", user.login)

    fun findFirst(): User = User("USER_KEY"))


val userRepository = UserRepository()
val user = User("coolmonktechie")
val resultUser = userRepository.findFirst()
println("Found stored user: $resultUser")


Reading data from file: /data/default.prefs
Storing cached data: {USER_KEY=coolmonktechie} to file: /data/default.prefs
Found stored user: User(login=coolmonktechie)

7. Structural: Decorator Pattern

The decorator pattern is used to extend or alter the functionality of objects at run-time by wrapping them in an object of a decorator class. This provides a flexible alternative to using inheritance to change behaviour.


interface CoffeeMachine {
    fun makeSmallCoffee()
    fun makeLargeCoffee()

class NormalCoffeeMachine : CoffeeMachine {
    override fun makeSmallCoffee() = println("Normal: Making small coffee")

    override fun makeLargeCoffee() = println("Normal: Making large coffee")

class EnhancedCoffeeMachine(val coffeeMachine: CoffeeMachine) : CoffeeMachine by coffeeMachine {

    // overriding behaviour
    override fun makeLargeCoffee() {
        println("Enhanced: Making large coffee")

    // extended behaviour
    fun makeCoffeeWithMilk() {
        println("Enhanced: Making coffee with milk")
        println("Enhanced: Adding milk")


val normalMachine = NormalCoffeeMachine()
    val enhancedMachine = EnhancedCoffeeMachine(normalMachine)

    // non-overridden behaviour
    // overriding behaviour
    // extended behaviour


Normal: Making small coffee

Enhanced: Making large coffee
Normal: Making large coffee

Enhanced: Making coffee with milk
Normal: Making small coffee
Enhanced: Adding milk

8. Structural: Composite Pattern

The composite pattern is used to compose zero-or-more similar objects so it can manipulate them as one object.


open class Equipment(private var price: Int, private var name: String) {
    open fun getPrice(): Int = price


open class Composite(name: String) : Equipment(0, name) {
    val equipments = ArrayList<Equipment>()

    fun add(equipment: Equipment) {

    override fun getPrice(): Int {
        return { it.getPrice() }.sum()


class Cabbinet : Composite("cabbinet")
class FloppyDisk : Equipment(80, "Floppy Disk")
class HardDrive : Equipment(250, "Hard Drive")
class Memory : Equipment(280, "Memory")


var cabbinet = Cabbinet()



9. Structural: Protection Proxy Pattern

The proxy pattern is used to provide a surrogate or placeholder object, which references an underlying object. Protection proxy is restricting access.


interface File {
    fun read(name: String)

class NormalFile : File {
    override fun read(name: String) = println("Reading file: $name")

class SecuredFile : File {
    val normalFile = NormalFile()
    var password: String = ""

    override fun read(name: String) {
        if (password == "secret") {
            println("Password is correct: $password")
        } else {
            println("Incorrect password. Access denied!")


val securedFile = SecuredFile()"")

securedFile.password = "secret""")


Incorrect password. Access denied!
Password is correct: secret
Reading file:

10. Behavioral: Observer / Listener Pattern

The observer pattern is used to allow an object to publish changes to its state. Other objects subscribe to be immediately notified of any changes.


interface TextChangedListener {

    fun onTextChanged(oldText: String, newText: String)

class PrintingTextChangedListener : TextChangedListener {
    private var text = ""
    override fun onTextChanged(oldText: String, newText: String) {
        text = "Text is changed: $oldText -> $newText"

class TextView {

    val listeners = mutableListOf<TextChangedListener>()

    var text: String by Delegates.observable("<empty>") { _, old, new ->
        listeners.forEach { it.onTextChanged(old, new) }


val textView = TextView().apply {
    listener = PrintingTextChangedListener()

with(textView) {
    text = "old name"
    text = "new name"


Text is changed <empty> -> old name
Text is changed old name -> new name

11. Behavioral: Command Pattern

The command pattern is used to express a request, including the call to be made and all of its required parameters, in a command object. The command may then be executed immediately or held for later use.


interface OrderCommand {
    fun execute()

class OrderAddCommand(val id: Long) : OrderCommand {
    override fun execute() = println("Adding order with id: $id")

class OrderPayCommand(val id: Long) : OrderCommand {
    override fun execute() = println("Paying for order with id: $id")

class CommandProcessor {

    private val queue = ArrayList<OrderCommand>()

    fun addToQueue(orderCommand: OrderCommand): CommandProcessor =
        apply {

    fun processCommands(): CommandProcessor =
        apply {
            queue.forEach { it.execute() }




Adding order with id: 1
Adding order with id: 2
Paying for order with id: 2
Paying for order with id: 1

12. Behavioral: Strategy Pattern

The strategy pattern is used to create an interchangeable family of algorithms from which the required process is chosen at run-time.


class Printer(private val stringFormatterStrategy: (String) -> String) {

    fun printString(string: String) {

val lowerCaseFormatter: (String) -> String = { it.toLowerCase() }
val upperCaseFormatter = { it: String -> it.toUpperCase() }


val inputString = "OLD name NEW name "

val lowerCasePrinter = Printer(lowerCaseFormatter)

val upperCasePrinter = Printer(upperCaseFormatter)

val prefixPrinter = Printer { "Prefix: $it" }


old name new name
Prefix: OLD name NEW name

13. Behavioral: State Pattern

The state pattern is used to alter the behaviour of an object as its internal state changes. The pattern allows the class for an object to apparently change at run-time.


sealed class AuthorizationState

object Unauthorized : AuthorizationState()

class Authorized(val userName: String) : AuthorizationState()

class AuthorizationPresenter {

    private var state: AuthorizationState = Unauthorized

    val isAuthorized: Boolean
        get() = when (state) {
            is Authorized -> true
            is Unauthorized -> false

    val userName: String
        get() {
            val state = this.state //val enables smart casting of state
            return when (state) {
                is Authorized -> state.userName
                is Unauthorized -> "Unknown"

    fun loginUser(userName: String) {
        state = Authorized(userName)

    fun logoutUser() {
        state = Unauthorized

    override fun toString() = "User '$userName' is logged in: $isAuthorized"


val authorizationPresenter = AuthorizationPresenter()




User 'admin' is logged in: true
User 'Unknown' is logged in: false

14. Behavioral: Chain of Responsibility Pattern

The chain of responsibility pattern is used to process varied requests, each of which may be dealt with by a different handler.


interface HeadersChain {
    fun addHeader(inputHeader: String): String

class AuthenticationHeader(val token: String?, var next: HeadersChain? = null) : HeadersChain {

    override fun addHeader(inputHeader: String): String {
        token ?: throw IllegalStateException("Token should be not null")
        return inputHeader + "Authorization: Bearer $token\n"
            .let { next?.addHeader(it) ?: it }

class ContentTypeHeader(val contentType: String, var next: HeadersChain? = null) : HeadersChain {

    override fun addHeader(inputHeader: String): String =
        inputHeader + "ContentType: $contentType\n"
            .let { next?.addHeader(it) ?: it }

class BodyPayload(val body: String, var next: HeadersChain? = null) : HeadersChain {

    override fun addHeader(inputHeader: String): String =
        inputHeader + "$body"
            .let { next?.addHeader(it) ?: it }


//create chain elements
val authenticationHeader = AuthenticationHeader("123456")
val contentTypeHeader = ContentTypeHeader("json")
val messageBody = BodyPayload("Body:\n{\n\"username\"=\"coolmonktechie\"\n}")

//construct chain = contentTypeHeader = messageBody

//execute chain
val messageWithAuthentication =
    authenticationHeader.addHeader("Headers with Authentication:\n")

val messageWithoutAuth =


Headers with Authentication:
Authorization: Bearer 123456
ContentType: json

ContentType: json

15. Behavioral: Visitor Pattern

The visitor pattern is used to separate a relatively complex set of structured data classes from the functionality that may be performed upon the data that they hold.


interface ReportVisitable {
    fun <R> accept(visitor: ReportVisitor<R>): R

class FixedPriceContract(val costPerYear: Long) : ReportVisitable {
    override fun <R> accept(visitor: ReportVisitor<R>): R = visitor.visit(this)

class TimeAndMaterialsContract(val costPerHour: Long, val hours: Long) : ReportVisitable {
    override fun <R> accept(visitor: ReportVisitor<R>): R = visitor.visit(this)

class SupportContract(val costPerMonth: Long) : ReportVisitable {
    override fun <R> accept(visitor: ReportVisitor<R>): R = visitor.visit(this)

interface ReportVisitor<out R> {

    fun visit(contract: FixedPriceContract): R
    fun visit(contract: TimeAndMaterialsContract): R
    fun visit(contract: SupportContract): R

class MonthlyCostReportVisitor : ReportVisitor<Long> {

    override fun visit(contract: FixedPriceContract): Long =
        contract.costPerYear / 12

    override fun visit(contract: TimeAndMaterialsContract): Long =
        contract.costPerHour * contract.hours

    override fun visit(contract: SupportContract): Long =

class YearlyReportVisitor : ReportVisitor<Long> {

    override fun visit(contract: FixedPriceContract): Long =

    override fun visit(contract: TimeAndMaterialsContract): Long =
        contract.costPerHour * contract.hours

    override fun visit(contract: SupportContract): Long =
        contract.costPerMonth * 12


val projectAlpha = FixedPriceContract(costPerYear = 10000)
val projectGamma = TimeAndMaterialsContract(hours = 150, costPerHour = 10)
val projectBeta = SupportContract(costPerMonth = 500)
val projectKappa = TimeAndMaterialsContract(hours = 50, costPerHour = 50)

val projects = arrayOf(projectAlpha, projectBeta, projectGamma, projectKappa)

val monthlyCostReportVisitor = MonthlyCostReportVisitor()

val monthlyCost = { it.accept(monthlyCostReportVisitor) }.sum()
println("Monthly cost: $monthlyCost")

val yearlyReportVisitor = YearlyReportVisitor()
val yearlyCost = { it.accept(yearlyReportVisitor) }.sum()
println("Yearly cost: $yearlyCost")


Monthly cost: 5333
Yearly cost: 20000

16. Behavioral: Mediator Pattern

Mediator design pattern is used to provide a centralized communication medium between different objects in a system. This pattern is very helpful in an enterprise application where multiple objects are interacting with each other.


class ChatUser(private val mediator: ChatMediator, val name: String) {
    fun send(msg: String) {
        println("$name: Sending Message= $msg")
        mediator.sendMessage(msg, this)

    fun receive(msg: String) {
        println("$name: Message received: $msg")

class ChatMediator {

    private val users: MutableList<ChatUser> = ArrayList()

    fun sendMessage(msg: String, user: ChatUser) {
            .filter { it != user }
            .forEach {

    fun addUser(user: ChatUser): ChatMediator =
        apply { users.add(user) }



val mediator = ChatMediator()
val user1 = ChatUser(mediator, "User1")

    .addUser(ChatUser(mediator, "User2"))
    .addUser(ChatUser(mediator, "User3"))
user1.send("Hello everyone!")


User1: Sending Message= Hello everyone!
User2: Message received: Hello everyone!
user3: Message received: Hello everyone!

17. Behavioral: Memento Pattern

The memento pattern is a software design pattern that provides the ability to restore an object to its previous state (undo via rollback).


data class Memento(val state: String)

class Originator(var state: String) {

    fun createMemento(): Memento {
        return Memento(state)

    fun restore(memento: Memento) {
        state = memento.state

class CareTaker {
    private val mementoList = ArrayList<Memento>()

    fun saveState(state: Memento) {

    fun restore(index: Int): Memento {
        return mementoList[index]


val originator = Originator("initial state")
val careTaker = CareTaker()

originator.state = "State #1"
originator.state = "State #2"

originator.state = "State #3"
println("Current State: " + originator.state)
assertThat(originator.state).isEqualTo("State #3")

println("Second saved state: " + originator.state)
assertThat(originator.state).isEqualTo("State #2")

println("First saved state: " + originator.state)


Current State: State #3
Second saved state: State #2
First saved state: initial state

That’s all about in this article.

Related Other Articles / Posts


In this article, we understood about why design patterns are valuable and most frequently used in Kotlin. This article shows the most frequently used design patterns in Kotlin with an authentic example.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed and learned about Valuable Design Patterns concepts in Kotlin. Reading is one thing, but the only way to master it is to do it yourself.

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iOS – Is Awesome Design Pattern Valuable In Swift ?

Hello Readers, CoolMonkTechie heartily welcomes you in this article.

In this article, We will learn about Why design patterns are important and which one is the most popular frequently used design patterns in Swift. Swift is a programming language that allows developers to create versatile applications for multiple operating systems (though it is most frequently used to write applications for iOS). When we are new in programming languages, we don’t know which design patterns we should use with it and how to implement them.

Being able to use a relevant design pattern is a prerequisite to creating functional, high-quality, and secure applications. 

We’ve decided to help by taking an in-depth look at the design patterns most widely used in Swift and showing different approaches to solving common problems in mobile development with them.

A famous quote about learning is :

“ Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. ” 

So Let’s begin.

Design Patterns: What they are and why you should know them ?

A software design pattern is a solution to a particular problem you might face when designing an app’s architecture. But unlike out-of-the-box services or open-source libraries, we can’t simply paste a design pattern into our application because it isn’t a piece of code. Rather, it’s a general concept for how to solve a problem. A design pattern is a template that tells you how to write code, but it’s up to you to fit our code to this template.

Design patterns bring several benefits:

  • Tested solutions. We don’t need to waste time and reinvent the wheel trying to solve a particular software development problem, as design patterns already provide the best solution and tell us how to implement it.
  • Code unification. Design patterns provide us with typical solutions that have been tested for drawbacks and bugs, helping us make fewer mistakes when designing our app architecture.
  • Common vocabulary. Instead of providing in-depth explanations of how to solve this or that software development problem, we can simply say what design pattern we used and other developers will immediately understand what solutions we implemented.

Types of Software Design Patterns

Before we describe the most common architecture patterns in Swift, you should first learn the three types of software design patterns and how they differ:

  • Creational Design Patterns
  • Structural Design Patterns
  • Behavioral Design Patterns

1. Creational Design Patterns

Creational software design patterns deal with object creation mechanisms, which increase flexibility and reuse of existing code. They try to instantiate objects in a manner suitable for the particular situation. Here are several creational design patterns:

  • Factory Method
  • Abstract Factory
  • Builder
  • Singleton
  • Prototype

2. Structural Design Patterns

Structural design patterns aim to simplify the design by finding an easy way of realizing relationships between classes and objects. These patterns explain how to assemble objects and classes into larger structures while keeping these structures flexible and efficient.These are some structural architecture patterns:

  • Adapter
  • Bridge
  • Facade
  • Decorator
  • Composite
  • Flyweight
  • Proxy

3. Behavioral Design Patterns

Behaviour design patterns identify common communication patterns between entities and implement these patterns. 

These patterns are concerned with algorithms and the assignment of responsibilities between objects. Behavioral design patterns include:

  • Chain of Responsibility
  • Template Method
  • Command
  • Iterator
  • Mediator
  • Memento
  • Observer
  • Strategy
  • State
  • Visitor

Most of these design patterns, however, are rarely used, and you’re likely to forget how they work before you even need them. So we’ve handpicked the five design patterns most frequently used in Swift to develop applications for iOS and other operating systems.

Most frequently used design patterns in Swift

We’re going to provide only the essential information about each software design pattern – namely, how it works from the technical point of view and when it should be applied. We’ll also give an illustrative example in the Swift programming language.

1. Builder

The Builder pattern is a creational design pattern that allows us to create complex objects from simple objects step by step. This design pattern helps us use the same code for creating different object views.

Imagine a complex object that requires incremental initialization of multiple fields and nested objects. Typically, the initialization code for such objects is hidden inside a mammoth constructor with dozens of parameters. Or even worse, it can be scattered all over the client code.

The Builder design pattern calls for separating the construction of an object from its own class. The construction of this object is instead assigned to special objects called builders and split into multiple steps. To create an object, you successively call builder methods. And you don’t need to go through all the steps – only those required for creating an object with a particular configuration.

You should apply the Builder design pattern :

  • when you want to avoid using a telescopic constructor (when a constructor has too many parameters, it gets difficult to read and manage);
  • when your code needs to create different views of a specific object;
  • when you need to compose complex objects.


Suppose you’re developing an iOS application for a restaurant and you need to implement ordering functionality. You can introduce two structures, Dish and Order, and with the help of the OrderBuilder object, you can compose orders with different sets of dishes.

// Design Patterns: Builder

import Foundation

// Models

enum DishCategory: Int {
    case firstCourses, mainCourses, garnishes, drinks

struct Dish {
    var name: String
    var price: Float

struct OrderItem {
    var dish: Dish
    var count: Int

struct Order {
    var firstCourses: [OrderItem] = []
    var mainCourses: [OrderItem] = []
    var garnishes: [OrderItem] = []
    var drinks: [OrderItem] = []
    var price: Float {
        let items = firstCourses + mainCourses + garnishes + drinks
        return items.reduce(Float(0), { $0 + $ * Float($1.count) })

// Builder

class OrderBuilder {
    private var order: Order?
    func reset() {
        order = Order()
    func setFirstCourse(_ dish: Dish) {
        set(dish, at: order?.firstCourses, withCategory: .firstCourses)
    func setMainCourse(_ dish: Dish) {
        set(dish, at: order?.mainCourses, withCategory: .mainCourses)
    func setGarnish(_ dish: Dish) {
        set(dish, at: order?.garnishes, withCategory: .garnishes)
    func setDrink(_ dish: Dish) {
        set(dish, at: order?.drinks, withCategory: .drinks)
    func getResult() -> Order? {
        return order ?? nil
    private func set(_ dish: Dish, at orderCategory: [OrderItem]?, withCategory dishCategory: DishCategory) {
        guard let orderCategory = orderCategory else {
        var item: OrderItem! = orderCategory.filter( { $ == } ).first
        guard item == nil else {
            item.count += 1
        item = OrderItem(dish: dish, count: 1)
        switch dishCategory {
        case .firstCourses:
        case .mainCourses:
        case .garnishes:
        case .drinks:

// Usage

let steak = Dish(name: "Steak", price: 2.30)
let chips = Dish(name: "Chips", price: 1.20)
let coffee = Dish(name: "Coffee", price: 0.80)

let builder = OrderBuilder()

let order = builder.getResult()

// Result:
// 4.30

2. Adapter

Adapter is a structural design pattern that allows objects with incompatible interfaces to work together. In other words, it transforms the interface of an object to adapt it to a different object.

An adapter wraps an object, therefore concealing it completely from another object. For example, you could wrap an object that handles meters with an adapter that converts data into feet.

You should use the Adapter design pattern:

  • when you want to use a third-party class but its interface doesn’t match the rest of your application’s code;
  • when you need to use several existing subclasses but they lack particular functionality and, on top of that, you can’t extend the superclass.


Suppose you want to implement a calendar and event management functionality in your iOS application. To do this, you should integrate the EventKit framework and adapt the Event model from the framework to the model in your application. An Adapter can wrap the model of the framework and make it compatible with the model in your application.

// Design Patterns: Adapter

import EventKit

// Models

protocol Event: class {
    var title: String { get }
    var startDate: String { get }
    var endDate: String { get }

extension Event {
    var description: String {
        return "Name: \(title)\nEvent start: \(startDate)\nEvent end: \(endDate)"

class LocalEvent: Event {
    var title: String
    var startDate: String
    var endDate: String
    init(title: String, startDate: String, endDate: String) {
        self.title = title
        self.startDate = startDate
        self.endDate = endDate

// Adapter

class EKEventAdapter: Event {
    private var event: EKEvent
    private lazy var dateFormatter: DateFormatter = {
        let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
        dateFormatter.dateFormat = "MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm"
        return dateFormatter
    var title: String {
        return event.title
    var startDate: String {
        return dateFormatter.string(from: event.startDate)
    var endDate: String {
        return dateFormatter.string(from: event.endDate)
    init(event: EKEvent) {
        self.event = event

// Usage

let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm"

let eventStore = EKEventStore()
let event = EKEvent(eventStore: eventStore)
event.title = "Design Pattern Meetup"
event.startDate = "06/29/2018 18:00")
event.endDate = "06/29/2018 19:30")

let adapter = EKEventAdapter(event: event)

// Result:
// Name: Design Pattern Meetup
// Event start: 06-29-2018 18:00
// Event end: 06-29-2018 19:30

3. Decorator

The Decorator pattern is a structural design pattern that allows you to dynamically attach new functionalities to an object by wrapping them in useful wrappers.

No wonder this design pattern is also called the Wrapper design pattern. This name describes more precisely the core idea behind this pattern: you place a target object inside another wrapper object that triggers the basic behavior of the target object and adds its own behavior to the result.

Both objects share the same interface, so it doesn’t matter for a user which of the objects they interact with − clean or wrapped. You can use several wrappers simultaneously and get the combined behavior of all these wrappers.

You should use the Decorator design pattern :

  • when you want to add responsibilities to objects dynamically and conceal those objects from the code that uses them;
  • when it’s impossible to extend responsibilities of an object through inheritance.

Example :

Imagine you need to implement data management in your iOS application. You could create two decorators: EncryptionDecorator for encrypting and decrypting data and EncodingDecorator for encoding and decoding.

// Design Patterns: Decorator

import Foundation

// Helpers (may be not include in blog post)

func encryptString(_ string: String, with encryptionKey: String) -> String {
    let stringBytes = [UInt8](string.utf8)
    let keyBytes = [UInt8](encryptionKey.utf8)
    var encryptedBytes: [UInt8] = []
    for stringByte in stringBytes.enumerated() {
        encryptedBytes.append(stringByte.element ^ keyBytes[stringByte.offset % encryptionKey.count])
    return String(bytes: encryptedBytes, encoding: .utf8)!

func decryptString(_ string: String, with encryptionKey: String) -> String {
    let stringBytes = [UInt8](string.utf8)
    let keyBytes = [UInt8](encryptionKey.utf8)
    var decryptedBytes: [UInt8] = []
    for stringByte in stringBytes.enumerated() {
        decryptedBytes.append(stringByte.element ^ keyBytes[stringByte.offset % encryptionKey.count])
    return String(bytes: decryptedBytes, encoding: .utf8)!

// Services

protocol DataSource: class {
    func writeData(_ data: Any)
    func readData() -> Any

class UserDefaultsDataSource: DataSource {
    private let userDefaultsKey: String
    init(userDefaultsKey: String) {
        self.userDefaultsKey = userDefaultsKey
    func writeData(_ data: Any) {
        UserDefaults.standard.set(data, forKey: userDefaultsKey)
    func readData() -> Any {
        return UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: userDefaultsKey)!

// Decorators

class DataSourceDecorator: DataSource {
    let wrappee: DataSource
    init(wrappee: DataSource) {
        self.wrappee = wrappee
    func writeData(_ data: Any) {
    func readData() -> Any {
        return wrappee.readData()

class EncodingDecorator: DataSourceDecorator {
    private let encoding: String.Encoding
    init(wrappee: DataSource, encoding: String.Encoding) {
        self.encoding = encoding
        super.init(wrappee: wrappee)
    override func writeData(_ data: Any) {
        let stringData = (data as! String).data(using: encoding)!
    override func readData() -> Any {
        let data = wrappee.readData() as! Data
        return String(data: data, encoding: encoding)!

class EncryptionDecorator: DataSourceDecorator {
    private let encryptionKey: String
    init(wrappee: DataSource, encryptionKey: String) {
        self.encryptionKey = encryptionKey
        super.init(wrappee: wrappee)
    override func writeData(_ data: Any) {
        let encryptedString = encryptString(data as! String, with: encryptionKey)
    override func readData() -> Any {
        let encryptedString = wrappee.readData() as! String
        return decryptString(encryptedString, with: encryptionKey)

// Usage

var source: DataSource = UserDefaultsDataSource(userDefaultsKey: "decorator")
source = EncodingDecorator(wrappee: source, encoding: .utf8)
source = EncryptionDecorator(wrappee: source, encryptionKey: "secret")
source.writeData("Design Patterns")
source.readData() as! String

// Result:
// Design Patterns

4. Facade

Facade is a structural design pattern that provides a simplified interface to a library, a framework, or any other complex set of classes.

Imagine that your code has to deal with multiple objects of a complex library or framework. You need to initialize all these objects, keep track of the right order of dependencies, and so on. As a result, the business logic of your classes gets intertwined with implementation details of other classes. Such code is difficult to read and maintain.

The Facade pattern provides a simple interface for working with complex subsystems containing lots of classes. The Facade pattern offers a simplified interface with limited functionality that you can extend by using a complex subsystem directly. This simplified interface provides only the features a client needs while concealing all others.

You should use the Facade design pattern:

  • when you want to provide a simple or unified interface to a complex subsystem;
  • when you need to decompose a subsystem into separate layers.


Lots of modern mobile applications support audio recording and playback, so let’s suppose you need to implement this functionality. You could use the Facade pattern to hide the implementation of services responsible for the file system (FileService), audio sessions (AudioSessionService), audio recording (RecorderService), and audio playback (PlayerService). The Facade provides a simplified interface for this rather complex system of classes.

// Design Patterns: Facade

import AVFoundation

// Services (may be not include in blog post)

struct FileService {
    private var documentDirectory: URL {
        return FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first!
    var contentsOfDocumentDirectory: [URL] {
        return try! FileManager.default.contentsOfDirectory(at: documentDirectory, includingPropertiesForKeys: nil)
    func path(withPathComponent component: String) -> URL {
        return documentDirectory.appendingPathComponent(component)
    func removeItem(at index: Int) {
        let url = contentsOfDocumentDirectory[index]
        try! FileManager.default.removeItem(at: url)

protocol AudioSessionServiceDelegate: class {
    func audioSessionService(_ audioSessionService: AudioSessionService, recordPermissionDidAllow allowed: Bool)

class AudioSessionService {
    weak var delegate: AudioSessionServiceDelegate?
    func setupSession() {
        try! AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory(AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord, with: [.defaultToSpeaker])
        try! AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setActive(true)
        AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().requestRecordPermission { [weak self] allowed in
            DispatchQueue.main.async {
                guard let strongSelf = self, let delegate = strongSelf.delegate else {
                delegate.audioSessionService(strongSelf, recordPermissionDidAllow: allowed)
    func deactivateSession() {
        try! AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setActive(false)

struct RecorderService {
    private var isRecording = false
    private var recorder: AVAudioRecorder!
    private var url: URL
    init(url: URL) {
        self.url = url
    mutating func startRecord() {
        guard !isRecording else {
        isRecording = !isRecording
        recorder = try! AVAudioRecorder(url: url, settings: [AVFormatIDKey: kAudioFormatMPEG4AAC])
    mutating func stopRecord() {
        guard isRecording else {
        isRecording = !isRecording

protocol PlayerServiceDelegate: class {
    func playerService(_ playerService: PlayerService, playingDidFinish success: Bool)

class PlayerService: NSObject, AVAudioPlayerDelegate {
    private var player: AVAudioPlayer!
    private var url: URL
    weak var delegate: PlayerServiceDelegate?
    init(url: URL) {
        self.url = url
    func startPlay() {
        player = try! AVAudioPlayer(contentsOf: url)
        player.delegate = self
    func stopPlay() {
    func audioPlayerDidFinishPlaying(_ player: AVAudioPlayer, successfully flag: Bool) {
        delegate?.playerService(self, playingDidFinish: flag)

// Facade

protocol AudioFacadeDelegate: class {
    func audioFacadePlayingDidFinish(_ audioFacade: AudioFacade)

class AudioFacade: PlayerServiceDelegate {
    private let audioSessionService = AudioSessionService()
    private let fileService = FileService()
    private let fileFormat = ".m4a"
    private var playerService: PlayerService!
    private var recorderService: RecorderService!
    weak var delegate: AudioFacadeDelegate?
    private lazy var dateFormatter: DateFormatter = {
        let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
        dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss"
        return dateFormatter
    init() {
    deinit {
    func startRecord() {
        let fileName = dateFormatter.string(from: Date()).appending(fileFormat)
        let url = fileService.path(withPathComponent: fileName)
        recorderService = RecorderService(url: url)
    func stopRecord() {
    func numberOfRecords() -> Int {
        return fileService.contentsOfDocumentDirectory.count
    func nameOfRecord(at index: Int) -> String {
        let url = fileService.contentsOfDocumentDirectory[index]
        return url.lastPathComponent
    func removeRecord(at index: Int) {
        fileService.removeItem(at: index)
    func playRecord(at index: Int) {
        let url = fileService.contentsOfDocumentDirectory[index]
        playerService = PlayerService(url: url)
        playerService.delegate = self
    func stopPlayRecord() {
    func playerService(_ playerService: PlayerService, playingDidFinish success: Bool) {
        if success {

// Usage

let audioFacade = AudioFacade()

// Result:
// 0

5. Template Method

The Template Method pattern is a behavioral design pattern that defines a skeleton for an algorithm and delegates responsibility for some steps to subclasses. This pattern allows subclasses to redefine certain steps of an algorithm without changing its overall structure.

This design pattern splits an algorithm into a sequence of steps, describes these steps in separate methods, and calls them consecutively with the help of a single template method.

You should use the Template Method design pattern:

  • when subclasses need to extend a basic algorithm without modifying its structure;
  • when you have several classes responsible for quite similar actions (meaning that whenever you modify one class, you need to change the other classes).


Suppose you’re working on an iOS app that must be able to take and save pictures. Therefore, your application needs to get permissions to use the iPhone (or iPad) camera and image gallery. To do this, you can use the PermissionService base class that has a specific algorithm.

To get permission to use the camera and gallery, you can create two subclasses, CameraPermissionService and PhotoPermissionService, that redefine certain steps of the algorithm while keeping other steps the same.

// Design Patterns: Template Method

import AVFoundation
import Photos

// Services

typealias AuthorizationCompletion = (status: Bool, message: String)

class PermissionService: NSObject {
    private var message: String = ""
    func authorize(_ completion: @escaping (AuthorizationCompletion) -> Void) {
        let status = checkStatus()
        guard !status else {
            complete(with: status, completion)
        requestAuthorization { [weak self] status in
            self?.complete(with: status, completion)

    func checkStatus() -> Bool {
        return false
    func requestAuthorization(_ completion: @escaping (Bool) -> Void) {
    func formMessage(with status: Bool) {
        let messagePrefix = status ? "You have access to " : "You haven't access to "
        let nameOfCurrentPermissionService = String(describing: type(of: self))
        let nameOfBasePermissionService = String(describing: type(of: PermissionService.self))
        let messageSuffix = nameOfCurrentPermissionService.components(separatedBy: nameOfBasePermissionService).first!
        message = messagePrefix + messageSuffix
    private func complete(with status: Bool, _ completion: @escaping (AuthorizationCompletion) -> Void) {
        formMessage(with: status)
        let result = (status: status, message: message)

class CameraPermissionService: PermissionService {
    override func checkStatus() -> Bool {
        let status = AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatus(for: .video).rawValue
        return status == AVAuthorizationStatus.authorized.rawValue
    override func requestAuthorization(_ completion: @escaping (Bool) -> Void) {
        AVCaptureDevice.requestAccess(for: .video) { status in

class PhotoPermissionService: PermissionService {
    override func checkStatus() -> Bool {
        let status = PHPhotoLibrary.authorizationStatus().rawValue
        return status == PHAuthorizationStatus.authorized.rawValue
    override func requestAuthorization(_ completion: @escaping (Bool) -> Void) {
        PHPhotoLibrary.requestAuthorization { status in
            completion(status.rawValue == PHAuthorizationStatus.authorized.rawValue)

// Usage

let permissionServices = [CameraPermissionService(), PhotoPermissionService()]

for permissionService in permissionServices {
    permissionService.authorize { (_, message) in

// Result:
// You have access to Camera
// You have access to Photo

That’s all about in this article.


In this article, We understood about the five design patterns most frequently used in Swift. The ability to pick a design pattern in Swift that’s relevant for building a particular project allows you to build fully functional and secure applications that are easy to maintain and upgrade. You should certainly have design patterns in your skillset, as they not only simplify software development but also optimize the whole process and ensure high code quality.

Thanks for reading ! I hope you enjoyed and learned about the most frequently used Design Patterns in Swift. Reading is one thing, but the only way to master it is to do it yourself.

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Thanks again Reading. HAPPY READING !!???

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